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designer bags cyber monday>designer bags cyber monday
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I've done several videos on Chanel bags and how to score the Chanel bag of your dreams but I still get quite a few questions on Chanel minis in particular so I thought I would dedicate a whole blog post to it. Due to the absence of a double flap, the minis can fit more than the small sized Chanel flap and only slightly less than the M/L sized flap. Chanel minis are also available at Heathrow Duty Free because they aren't considered 'classic' which means if you're lucky, you may be able to nab one at a discount. So even though to most people, a black Chanel mini flap may look like it belongs in Chanel's classic line, it doesn't – it's a seasonal bag and is only released in batches whenever Chanel feels like it. As far as I know, Chanel releases minis every single season though – usually in both the square and rectangle size, although nowadays the rectangle size is more common. In London for example, there are many Chanel boutiques to phone and I have been known to phone around them all in search of a bag! They may offer to search the 'system' for you to see if the bag you're after is available in any of stores nearby – definitely take them up on this but take it with a pinch of salt. Often, the popular bags get sold so quickly on the day that they don't get registered in the system so it's not always that accurate. This isn't about withholding a bag – it's sometimes just easier to sell it to the person right in front of you than to phone and follow up a 'maybe' sale.

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