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Fake online reviews may be more of a problem than we think. In fact, they've become so commonplace that last year the UK's competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), launched an investigation into whether online giants Amazon and Google are taking adequate action to protect consumers from bogus reviews posted on their websites. The investigation is ongoing. While it's good to know that websites themselves are taking action to tackle the problem, what else can you do when you shop online to make sure that the reviews you're accessing are the real deal? To help you tell a genuine review from a potential fake, we asked the experts for their top tips to spot a fake review. The CMA also says it's worth looking beyond 5-star reviews of a product or service: "A reviewer might knock off a star because the product was delivered a day late or the colour was slightly different to what was advertised but be happy otherwise," explains Jon Riley, CMA director of consumer protection. "If their gripe doesn't matter to you, then you can be safe in the knowledge that the rest of their review is likely to be genuine too." the pros and cons of buy now pay later If you have the time, it pays to read reviews of the same product on several different websites. "We all have our go-to website or platform when it comes to reading reviews, but it's always a good idea to check out what people are saying elsewhere, to make sure you're getting a similar story," Riley advises. How to report a fake review Now that you've identified an inauthentic review, what can you do about it? Both Google and Amazon allow you to report fake reviews directly to them. For Google reviews, go to Google Maps, click on your business profile and find the review you would like to report. Click more, then 'Flag as inappropriate'.

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Yes, it's a thing. Becca Risa Luna . Follow 20 min read . Apr 24, 2018 -- 15 Share Counterfeit Hermes and Goyard handbags and accessories Breaking the law with a replica bag is justified with claims like "sellers are just giving people what they want at a more affordable price", and "I'm just carrying it for a little while, I can't afford the real thing", and "the luxury companies have so much money so they aren't really being hurt. These are more obvious examples. People have found themselves in embarrassing situations when their fashion accessory was discovered to be a fake or a counterfeit item - like that time the store manager at Tiffany & Co. had to pull me aside to tell me necklace an ex gave me "appears to be a counterfeit Tiffany & Co. Counterfeiters are savvy these days. Other sportsbooks that may be coming soon 750 Hollywood Drive, Charles Town, WV(800) 795-7001 101 W. Mardi Gras Casino and Resort Each sportsbook will have their own available betting markets, so check out our individual reviews or click through the table at the top of the page to check out the site itself. No matter the time of the year, West Virginians can easily travel to either one of these destinations and enjoy a significant sports team while not worrying about whether they can wager their money or not. The Guardians are a pleasant surprise, the Cavaliers made the play-in, and the Bengals erupted onto the NFL landscape and were minutes away from their first Super Bowl win. Visa/MasterCard/Discover: This deposit only method (for now) is as easy as punching in your numbers and entering the amount you would like to load up and the funds will be in your account. Find out where to play the best online baccarat casinos listed in one place! US and Aussie players, don't forget to read our baccarat strategy guide for the best chance to win and understand how to play baccarat. 2Welcome to 888 Poker! 34 games4. Play Now Read ReviewBitStarz CasinoUnknown Error Occured. Croupier – The person in charge of dealing each and every card of the game in each game. Avoid following systemsWinning at baccarat is not easy. It is also the reason why baccarat maintains its popularity worldwide. Yes. cheap gucci bags wholesale