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Now what DHgate sellers have done is used model names instead to advertise their products and you'd have to use keywords like LouLou Matelasse handbag, Cassandre envelope, Sac De Jour handbag and Solferino to name a few, in order to find a particular style or design. I came across high quality replica handbags and shoes from some of the top brands in the world like Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Fendi and even Louis Vuitton. They are a much more experienced seller that has fulfilled over 24k transactions till date and have managed to maintain a positive 93. This vendor offers high quality reps at bargain prices and they have loads of different products to choose from including handbags, backpacks, wallets, fashion bags and more. This replica is made from synthetic leather and has the quilts design that's synonymous with Saint Laurent bags. Search for the YSL serial number – In a genuine YSL handbag there will be a tiny patch of leather that's stitched on the inside of the bag. So if you find one that has frayed threads, uneven stitch lines and double stitches in some areas then rest assured that the bag is not real as YSL has set high standards in the market which Chinese manufacturers are unable to replicate. Best DHGate Replica Bags Sellers (2023) – High Quality Designer Handbags China

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