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There are millions of sellers on Etsy, most of whom are trustworthy. If you buy an item on Etsy and don't receive it, or receive the item but it's not as described, you must first try and resolve the issue with the seller. If they're unresponsive, uncooperative, or you're unable to come to a resolution, you can open a case with Etsy. Never share credit card information through Etsy's messaging system. How do you know if an Etsy seller is legit? Etsy won't allow a shop to stay open if it's had several cases opened against them or if they've violated Etsy's policies. When you find an item on Etsy you're interested in buying, click on the thumbnail photo so you're on the product's listing page. On this page, you'll find more photos of the item, details about the item (e.g. price, description, options, etc.), as well as some shop details. To the right of the product image, you'll find the shop name, number of sales, and their rating out of five stars. You may also see a badge, such as "star seller", which is a good indication it's a trustworthy shop. This information can help you determine if the Etsy seller is legit. Scroll through the reviews on the product listing page or in a seller's shop. Read what the seller's customers have to say about how quickly items are shipped, if the objects look as good in person as depicted online, how the seller handles issues, and overall, their quality of customer service. Etsy buyers are pretty honest with their opinions, so you'll know right away if a seller doesn't tend to deliver what they're advertising. You can visit an Etsy seller's shop by clicking their shop name found at the top right of a product listing page. When in their shop, scroll to the bottom. After the shop reviews section, you'll find an About section stating which year the seller opened the shop.

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Whether you're selling in person, online, or on the go, Square can help you process nearly any kind of payment, any way you want. Get started Customers can complete their payments on your Square POS or Square Online site using Cash App. Online payments with Cash App are also simplified. Customers on the desktop version of your Square Online site will scan a QR code in the same way they would at your Square POS. If your customer is buying from your mobile site and has Cash App installed, they'll simply tap a Cash App button during checkout to start paying. Accepting payments with Cash App Pay will depend on your setup. Disputes Fraud: The buyer claims that they never participated in the transaction and that their account or card was stolen and used by a fraudster. Sellers who receive a fraud dispute from Cash App Pay are covered entirely by Cash App and owe no money for the dispute. They don't have to take any action to receive this coverage; however, this coverage doesn't apply to any other payment methods. In cases where your customer has trouble using Cash App Pay, here are some troubleshooting tips. Plus, there are plenty of other sources out there like YouTube and TikTok with dope content about it. More Options: By spending less, you open up opportunities to buy more and have better options. And buying directly from platforms such as DHgate and Alibaba usually means a secure payment method. I got sucked into all the available low-cost options, paying mere tens of dollars without considering the quality, and I know some of the readers have a similar experience. A perfect knockoff bag should closely look like the authentic one in terms of design, proportions, and dimensions. No one wants to be caught lugging around a knockoff, so it's important to know your designer labels that matched your aura and identity. It usually uses ordinary sheepskin, cowhide, and other materials. You have reached the end of the guide for first-time buyers, I hope you find it informative and useful. Casino Blackjack: Rules of the Game Last Updated: September 2, 2020 (27 votes, average: 2. . Now our hand is 17, since 1 + 6 + 10 = 17. A blackjack is therefore an Ace and any ten-valued card, with the additional requirement that these be your first two cards. In this case, you have a good chance of winning the hand by drawing one additional card, so you should increase your bet in this advantageous situation by doubling down. In either type of game, add an additional bet to the betting circle. This process of "peeking" under the hole card to check for blackjack means that players can only lose one bet per hand if the dealer has a blackjack. ) gucci bags on sale cheap