The Truth About Counterfeit Luxury Handbags Counterfeit Hermes and Goyard handbags and accessories Most people today are completely unaware of the serious issues behind the enterprise of counterfeit fashion goods, particularly within the designer handbag and accessories market. Breaking the law with a replica bag is justified with claims like "sellers are just giving people what they want at a more affordable price", and "I'm just carrying it for a little while, I can't afford the real thing", and "the luxury companies have so much money so they aren't really being hurt. These are more obvious examples. People have found themselves in embarrassing situations when their fashion accessory was discovered to be a fake or a counterfeit item - like that time the store manager at Tiffany & Co. piece" and that I needed to leave the store immediately (is my privilege showing?). Counterfeiters are savvy these days.
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